You can't begin communicating until you're able to define relationships. Unless you know whether you're speaking to your significant other or an orc, it's difficult to know whether you should say Le annon veleth nín or Nostad lín sui orch! Here we will go over the basic relationships and how to identify those people.
As in any language, there are formal and intimate means of address. But most relationships are fairly standard. Here is a chart giving the singular, plural, and lenited form of some family member names. Lenition, as will be discussed later, is a softening that happens when you put an article or preposition in front of a noun. All you need to know for conversational Sindarin purposes is that I will provide lenited versions of the words you need for our lessons, and that lenited nouns are the same word, just with "the" stuck in front. Lenition does not affect nouns that start with vowels or consonants F, TH, N, R, and L.
English |
Singular |
Plural |
Lenited |
mother |
naneth |
neneth |
i naneth (the mother), in neneth (the mothers) |
mum, mom, mummy |
nana |
nene |
i nana (the mum), in nene (the mums) |
father |
adar |
edair |
i adar, in edair |
da, dad, daddy |
ada |
ade |
i ada, in ade |
baby |
laes |
laes |
i laes, in laes |
child |
hên |
hîn |
i chên, in hîn |
female child |
sell |
sell |
i hell, in hell |
brother, biological |
gwanur |
gwenyr |
i 'wanur, in 'wenyr |
brother, sworn |
gwador |
gwedeir |
i 'wador, i 'wedeir |
sister, biological |
muinthel |
muinthil |
i vuinthel, in vuinthil |
sister, biological |
thêl |
thelei |
i thêl, in thelei |
sister, sworn |
gwathel |
gwethil |
i 'wathel, in 'wethil |
son |
ion, iôn |
ionath |
ir ion, ir ionath |
daughter |
iell |
sellath |
ir iell, in hellath |
girlfriend or fiancée, lit. female lover |
melethril |
melethril |
i velethril, in velethril |
boyfriend or fiancé, lit. male lover |
melethron |
melethryn |
i velethron, in velethryn |
significant other |
seron |
seryn |
i heron, in heryn |
wife, combination of hiril (lady or mistress) and bess (woman) |
hervess |
let's not go there |
i chervess |
husband, combination of hîr (lord or master) and benn (man) |
hervenn |
nor there |
i chervenn |
kindred, clan |
noss |
nyss |
i noss, in nyss |
family, house |
nost |
nyst |
i nost, in nyst |
family, lit. "those of the house of" |
no singular |
nothrim |
in nothrim |
friend |
mellon |
mellyn |
i vellon, in vellyn |
a friend who is male |
meldir |
meldir |
i veldir, in veldir |
a friend who is female |
meldis |
meldis |
i veldis, in veldis |
Given this basic list it is easy now to come up with many combinations describing your various relations. While there are no words found for aunt, uncle, or cousin (wouldn't that be nice!) you can still describe someone's relationship to you using more specific, literal terms. All you need is a little more vocabulary.
I / In / Ir
I is "the" in Sindarin. I almost
didn't want to teach you that because now I have to mention lenition. This is a
tricky concept that is common as anything in Irish, but confusing and foreign
to English speakers. Don't put too much thought in it; it exists because Tolkien thought it made words sound better if they changed
when paired with a preposition or article. I will give you the lenited changes whenever they come up, and you can access
deeper grammatical insights into lenition at the Council of Elrond. So for our purposes use the examples above
and note that I chervess means
"the wife." However, Sindarin makes note in
articles when there is a plural. So while I laes
means "the baby," In laes
means "the babies." That's pretty nice, considering that laes is one of those nouns that doesn't change in
the plural. (Don't worry! I'll teach you how to do plural nouns later!)
However, some nouns begin with the letter
En means "of" in the sense of belonging to someone or
something, as in "the friend of my brother". This is not to be
confused with O which means "of" in the sense of being from
someplace, as in "Haldir of Lórien."
Lucky for you, En will not cause any lenition so you don't have to worry
about it.
Nîn / Lîn / Tîn
These are pretty simple; nîn
means "my," lîn means
"your," and tîn means
"his" or "hers." But the important thing to remember is
that posessives are switched compared to English. you would say ionath nîn (sons mine), and NEVER nîn
Putting it together
Now we have the resources to put together expressions demonstrating the relationships of others to you. Here are some examples:
i veldir en hervenn nîn
the friend (male) of my husband - literally "the friend (male) of husband
laes en gwathel lîn
the babies of your sworn sister - literally "the babies of sworn sister
naneth en naneth tîn
their maternal grandmother - literally "the mother of mother their"
Have fun and use this as an opportunity to practice familiarizing yourself with the concept that nouns mutate, rather than add a suffix to indicate the plural, and that these nouns mutate even further due to lenition.
There is a further concept called mixed mutation which could make this lesson a lot uglier and longer. However, since it is not a mutation that Tolkien ever discussed directly (it can be figured out by examining examples of Sindarin, though), I have not included it here. It's only our fourth lesson, after all. I will come back to mixed mutation later, but for the purposes of our lesson, and as we are not yet forming complete sentences, we'll come back to that later.
A Note about Sindarin Phrases:
Lack of attested vocabulary in Sindarin results in
the need to use unattested, reconstructed, or constructed words. I will try to
note when a word is unattested. This is a difficult language to learn and I am
fallible. If you believe I have made an error, please let me know via email.
A Note about Grelvish:
The Grey Company is a group of computer game role-players who wanted to
emulate Tolkien's Elves of Middle-earth, but found
the languages too difficult to learn. So they took a pinch of Quenya and a tablespoon of Sindarin,
then stirred in a cup of nonsense, a spoonful of
indifference, and a pinch of disdain. The result is not-so-affectionately
referred to as "Grelvish" by those who
study Tolkien's work; it makes a mockery of his
brilliant linguistic skills.
Unfortunately for those wishing to write stories about Elves or role-play an
Elven character, the choices have been to use those
phrases, spend months learning the actual language, or use no elvish at all. Thus Grelvish has
spread throughout the internet, often to completely unsuspecting fans of Tolkien's mythos. I offer here Sindarin
translations of the list of Elven Phrases created by
the Grey Company, in addition to other phrases that may be of use. (I confess, some of their phrases are so absurdly unelven
I will not translate them.)
Please feel free to make use of these phrases, let your Elves be true to the
tree-woven lands of Middle-earth.
~ Greetings ~ Farewells ~ Titles of Address ~ Conversation ~ Small-talk ~
~ Questions & Answers
~ Compliments
~ Romance ~ Endearments ~
~ Adventuring
~ Exclamations
~ Pleas/Entreaties ~
In Trouble ~
~ Insults ~ Threats ~ Battle Cries ~ Battle Phrases
~ Healing
Spells/Chants ~
~ Professions
~ Days ~ Months ~ Seasons ~ Holidays ~ The Valar
and Maiar ~
~ Greetings ~
Greetings (everyone/friend) ~ Suilad (penath/mellon) (can also use suil)
Well met ~ Mae govannen
Welcome ~ Mae tollen
Welcome home ~ Mae tollen na
Welcome back ~ Mae athollen
It is my joy to see you ~ Glass nín le/gen cened
It is my joy to see you again ~ Glass nín le/gen achened
A star shines on the occasion of our meeting ~ Êl síla nan lû
e-govaded vín
It is my joy to meet you ~ Glass nín le/gen govaded
I haven't seen you for a long time ~ Anann le/gen ú-gennin
My heart sings to see you ~ Guren linna
le/gen cened
~ Farewells ~ Back to the Top ~
Farewell ~ Navaer
Have a good journey ~ Garo lend vaer
I hope you will have a good journey ~ Harthon gerithach lend vaer
Good day/evening/night ~ Aur/aduial/fuin vaer
Have a good day/evening/night ~ Garo aur/aduial/fuin vaer
Good hunting ~ Rui/farad vaer
Fair winds ~ Suil vain
May useful winds speed you on ~ Hortho le huil vaer
I hope you will have kind seas ~ Harthon gerithach aeair vilui
Sweet waters and light laughter until next we meet ~ Nîn
velui a lalaith veren nalú en-agovaded
I hope you will have green paths and a breeze behind you ~ Harthon
gerithach raid gelin a chwest adel thraw
I hope you will have green and golden paths ~ Harthon
gerithach raid gelin a melthin
May the leaves of your life tree never wither ~ Pelo nalú i laiss
en-Galadh Guil lín
My heart shall weep until I see thee again ~ Guren nallatha nalú achenin
Nothing will stop the weeping of my heart until our reunion ~ Unad nuithatha i nîr e-guren
nalú aderthad vín
Rest well ~ Hodo vae
Sleep well ~ Losto vae
Sweet dreams ~ Elei velui
May you dream well tonight ~ Oltho vae ne fuin
I hope to see you there ~ Harthon cened
le ennas
I hope to see you at this time ~ Harthon cened le nan lû
~ Titles of Address ~ Back to the Top ~
My friend/friends ~ mellon/mellyn nín
My son/daughter ~ ion/iell nín
My father/mother ~ adar/naneth nín
My dad/mom ~ ada/nana nín
My brother/sister ~ muindor/muinthel nín
My sworn brother/sister ~ gwador/gwathel nín
My lover (male)/(female) ~ melethron/melethril nín – added by Doviel
My husband/wife ~ hervenn/hervess nín
My Lord/Lady ~ hîr/hiril nín
or brannon/brennil nín
Foe of my foe ~ coth o chothen
Friend of my friend ~ mellon o mellonen
Little father (dwarf) ~ adar dithen
Bearded one (dwarf) ~ fangon
Mighty one ~ belegron/belegril (m/f)
Valiant one ~ gornon/gornil (m/f)
Ancient one ~ iaron/iaril (m/f)
Wise one ~ saelon/saelil (m/f)
Loyal one ~ sadron/sadril (m/f)
My champion/hero ~ thalionen/thalielen (m/f)
~ Conversation ~ Back to the Top ~
Yes ~ Maer ("good")
No! ~ Baw!
What is your name? ~ Man i eneth
___ is my name ~ ___ i eneth
I'm ___ ~ im ___
Please ~ iesten ("My wish")
Thanks ~ Le hannon
You're welcome ~ Glassen ("My joy")
Well done ~ Mae carnen
I understand ~ Henion
I don’t understand ~ Ú-chenion
I'm sorry ~ Naethen ("My sorrow”)
Forgive me ~ Goheno nin
As you wish ~ Be iest lín
Don’t worry ~ Avaro naeth
("Don’t have woe”)
What news? ~ Man siniath?
~ Small Talk ~ Back to the Top ~
How are you? ~ Manen le?
I’m fine/good/well ~ Im maer
I’m not fine/good/well ~ Im úvaer
I’m happy ~ Im meren
I’m sad/gloomy ~ Im dem
I’m tired ~ Im penorven
I’m sick/ill ~ Im caeleb
I’m cold ~ Im ring
I’m hot ~ Im urui
~ Questions & Answers ~ Back to the Top ~
Who? ~ Ma?
What? ~ Man?
When? ~ Mar?
Where? ~ Mas?
Why? ~
How? ~ Manen?
What is your name? ~ Man i eneth
What is his/her name? ~ Man i eneth
What did you say? ~ Man pennich? What did he/she say?
~ Man so/se pent?
What did you see? ~ Man cennich? What did he/she see?
~ Man so/se cenn?
What do you see? ~ Man cenich? ~ What does he/she
see? ~ Man so/se cên?
How are you? ~ Manen le? How is he/she? ~ Manen so/se?
Where are you going? ~ Mas ledhiach?
Where is he/she going? ~ Mas ledhia?
Where are we going? ~ Mas ledhiam?
Where are they going? ~ Mas sy
Why do you go? ~
Where are you [coming] from? ~ Ledhiach o man sad?
Where is he/she [coming] from? ~ Ledhia
o man sad?
~ Compliments ~ Back to the Top ~
You have a heart like a lion. ~ Gerich ‘ûn sui raw
You are a mighty and brave warrior ~ Le maethor veleg a gornui
You are a skilled and sharp-eyed archer ~ Le pengron vaen a maecheneb
You are beautiful like a rainbow ~ Le bain sui ninniach
Your radiance shines like the moon ‘Law lîn síla sui Ithil
Love sparkles in your eyes ~ Meleth thilia min hin lín
Your radiant eyes conquered my heart ~ Hin gelair lín orthernir
Your beautiful face took my breath away ~ Thîr vain lín darn thûl nín
Your eyes are as beautiful as moonlight on the Sea ~ Hin
lín bain sui Ithilgalad buin Aear
Your eyes are blue like the summer sky ~ Hin lín luin sui
venel laer
You look good/joyous/beautiful ~ Thiach maer/meren/main
Your beauty shines brightly ~ Baneth lín síla celair
You are beautiful/so beautiful ~ Le bain/bainon
~ Romance ~ Back to the Top ~
I love you ~ Le melin
I will always love you ~ Le uivelin
I will love you forever ~ Le melithon anuir
My heart is in your hands ~ Guren min gaim lín
I believe/trust in you ~ Estelion allen
Trust in me ~ Estelio enni
You enchant me ~ Nin lithiach
Your song touches my spirit/my heart ~ Laer lín matha faeren/'uren
You lift up my heart when you look at me ~ Orthach 'uren ir tirach
~ Endearments ~ Back to the Top ~
My beloved/dear ~ Mell nín,
Muin nín
My love ~ Meleth nín
Love of my life ~ Meleth e-guilen
~ Adventuring ~ Back to the Top ~
Silence! ~ Dîn!
Listen! ~ Lasto!
Look! ~ Tiro!
Halt! ~ Daro!
Come! ~ Tolo!
Come in/Enter ~ Minno
Stand ~ Erio ("rise")
Flee! ~ Drego!
Run! ~ Noro!
Rest! ~ Hodo
Wait! ~ Dartho
(any above can be followed with hí "here", ennas "there", hi "now")
Follow me! ~ Aphado nin!
Sit down ~ Havo dad
~ Exclamations ~ Back to the Top ~
Alas! ~ Nae!
At last! ~ Na vedui!
Stars! ~ Elo! (an
exclamation of wonder, similar to “wow!” but more poetic)
Behold! ~ Alae!
No/Don’t! ~ Baw!
Ah/Oh! ~ Ae!
Be gone! ~ Ego!
By the Sea and Stars! ~
By the Valar! ~
~ Pleas, Entreaties ~ Back to the Top ~
May Eru protect me/us ~ Berio
nin/ven Eru
May Varda watch over me/us ~ Tiro
nin/ven Elbereth
May the Valar lead me/us to safety ~Tego nin/ven i
Melain am mand
May Oromë be with me/us ~ No enni/ammen
May Tulkas give me/us strength/courage/victory ~ Anno enni/ammen Enner vellas/gaun/dûr
Lord of the Wind, guide my arrow ~ Hîr e-Hûl, togo bilinn
~ Trouble ~ Back to the Top ~
I need help! ~ Boe enni dulu!
Help me! ~ Anno dulu enni!
I need a healer! ~ Boe enni
~ Insults ~ Back to the Top ~
Your head is empty ~ Dôl gín
cofn or Dôl gín lost
Cowardly dog! ~ Hû úgaun!
Go kiss an orc! ~ Mítho orch!
You smell like an orc! ~ Gerich
thû sui
I hate you! ~ Gen ú-velin!
Listen to my laughter! ~ Lasto al lalaith
A big wind pours from your mouth ~ Súlon gwanna nîf gín
Son of snakes! ~ Lýgion! or
Ion lýg!
You disgust me! ~ Gen fuion!
You’re ugly and your mother dresses you ~ Thiach uanui a naneth gín gen hamma
You are stupid ~ Ce uchand
Orc lover! ~ Orvelethron/orvelethril!
You look hideous! ~ Thiach uanui!
~ Threats ~ Back to the Top ~
I hope the Ents eat you! ~ Harthon
in enyd gen medir!
I want to hurl you into the fires of
I'm going to hurl you into the fires of
~ Battle Cries ~ Back to the Top ~
Death to the enemy! ~ Gurth enin
Now to victory! ~ Si ath thûr!
Die, hideous creature! ~ Firo, ulunn!
Death to the orcs! ~ Gurth an Glamhoth!
They're coming ~ Sy telir
Prepare the bows! ~ Tangado i
My bow shall sing with your sword ~ Cû/Peng nín linnatha go vagol lín
Release the arrows! ~ Leithio i
Fire the arrows! ~ Hado i philinn!
Fight! ~ Maetho!
Swords! ~ Meigol!
Protect the horses! ~ Berio idh
Protect the tower/city! ~ Berio i
To the tower/wall! ~
Kill him/it! ~ Dago hon/han!
Look out! ~ Tiro!
~ Healing ~ Back to the Top ~
Golden Sun, may your warmth bring healing to this heart ~ Anor valthen,
Great earth, may you give your strength to this body ~ Ceven
dhaer, anno vellas lín enin
'raw hen
Western Winds, may your breath lift this spirit ~ Suil
Annui, erio thûl lín i
faer hen
~ Professions ~ Back to the Top ~
Commander ~ caun
Second-in-Command ~ taidron/taidril (m/f), taidor
Mayor, Ruler ~ condir/condis (m/f)
Assistant ~ tuluron/tuluril (m/f), tuluror
Calligrapher/Secretary ~ tegilbor
Judge ~ badhron/badhril (m/f), badhor
Bard ~ glirdan
Harper ~ talagan
Singer ~ linnon/linnil (m/f), linnor
Writer ~ teithron/teithril (m/f), teithor
Painter ~ eleidan
Teacher ~ istonon/istoneth (m/f), istonor
Narrator ~ pethron/pethril (m/f), pethor
Historian ~ pennathron/pennathril (m/f), pennathor
Librarian ~ parvon/parvil (m/f), parvor
Astronomer ~ meneldir/meneldis (m/f)
Apprentice ~ aphadon/aphadil (m/f), aphador
Journeyman ~ nathron/nathril (m/f), nathor
Healer ~ nestron/nestril (m/f), nestor
Herbmaster ~ salabir/salabis
(m/f), salabor
Wizard ~ curunír/curunís, ithron/ithril
(m/f), ithor
Magician ~ gollor
Warrior ~ maethron, maethril
(m/f), maethor
Archer ~ pengron/pengril (m/f), pengor
Swordsman ~ magron/magril (m/f), magor
Knight ~ rochir/rochiril (m/f)
Spearthrower ~ hadron/hadril
(m/f), hador
Slayer/Assassin ~ dagnír/dagnis (m/f)
Soldier ~ othon/othil (m/f), othor
Watcher/Guardian ~ tirn
Hunter ~ faron/faril (m/f), faror
Forester ~ toron/toril (m/f), tauror
Mountaineer ~ orodben
Rider ~ rochon/rochil (m/f), rochor
Sailor ~ cirion/ciriel (m/f)
Shipbuilder ~ círdan (pl. círdain)
Jewelsmith ~ mírdan (pl. mírdain)
Lampwright ~ calardan (pl. calardain)
Carpenter/woodwright ~ thavron/thavril
Potter ~ cennan
Weaver ~ nathron/nathril (m/f), nathor
Gardener ~ sannan
Cook ~ aesdan
Servant ~ buiron/buiril (m/f)
Herald ~ singyll
Blacksmith ~ angdan
Armorer ~ barvdan
Metalsmith ~ tingdan
Weaponsmith ~ hatholdan
Peddler ~ bachron/bachril (m/f), bachor
Thief ~ celegam
Pilgrim, Wanderer ~ randír/randís (m/f)
~ Days of the Week ~ Back to the Top ~
Orgilion ~ Stars-day
Oranor ~ Sun-day
Orithil ~ Moon-day
Orgaladhad ~ Two-Trees-day (in Gondor:
Ormenel ~ Heavens-day
Oraearon ~ Sea-day (in Gondor
Orbelain ~ Powers-day (a "High Day" of
celebration/ceremony, like our Sunday)
~ Months of the Year ~ Back to the Top ~
January ~ Narwain (New-Sun)
February ~ Nínui (Watery)
March ~ Gwaeron (Windy)
April ~ Gwirith
May ~ Lothron (Flowering)
June ~ Nórui (Sunny/Fiery)
July ~ Cerveth
August ~ Urui (Hot)
September ~ Ivanneth (Fruit-giving)
October ~ Narbeleth (Leaf-falling)
November ~ Hithui (Misty/Foggy)
December ~ Girithron (Shuddering)
~ Seasons ~ Back to the Top ~
Echuir ~ Stirring/Awakening (Feb 1 - Mar 26)
Ethuil ~ Spring/Budding (Mar 29 – May 21)
Laer ~ Summer/Song (May 22 - Aug 1)
Iavas ~ Harvest (Aug 2 - Sep 24)
Firith ~ Fading (Sep 28 - Nov 20)
Rhîw ~ Winter (Nov 21 - Jan 31)
~ Holidays ~ Back to the Top ~
Maninor ~ First Day (March 28)
Ennyn Laer ~ The Gates of
Summer (May 22)
Ethuilor ~ Spring-day (September 25)
Inenedh ~ Year-Middle (September 26)
Iavasor ~ Harvest-day (September 27)
Ennyn Rhîw ~ The Gates of
Winter (November 21)
Penninor ~ Last Day (March 27)
~ The Valar and Maiar ~ Back to the Top ~
Manwë ~ Aran Einior "Elder King",Súlchir
"Wind Lord", Súlgon "Wind
Varda ~ Elbereth "Star
Queen", Gilthoniel "Star Kindler", Fanuilos "Everwhite
Aulë ~ Gaul "Inventor", Belegol
"Great Inventor", Barthan "World
Yavanna ~ Ivann "Giver
of Fruit"
Ulmo ~ Ulu
"Pourer", Guiar, Uiar
"Lord of the Enveloping Ocean
Mandos ~ Gurfannor
"Master of Death", Bannos "Dread Imprisoner"
Oromë ~ Araw, Tauron "The Forester", Aran
Tauron "The Forester King", Tauros "Forest Terror"
Nessa ~ Neth "The
Young", Dineth "Young Bride"
Vána ~ Banwen
"Beautiful Maiden"
Lórien ~ Luien "Land
of Sleep and Dreams", Olfannor "Dream
Estë ~ Îdh "Rest"
Vairë ~ Gwîr
Tulkas ~ Enner "The
Nienna ~ Nienor
Ossë ~ Yssion
"Foaming", Gaerys "Fearful Ossë", Aeros "Terror of
the Sea"
Tilion ~ Elfaron "Star
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